Blog 5# PLN & Education

In the video posted by brad Bakers, he discusses how he used PLN and discusses how posting positive comments on other blogs or post needs to be done and encourages others to follow the same. He was against the whole concept of racism and indirectly tells us to be more compassionate towards others when we are trying to oppose their views. Stick to just the topic and not escalate to physical looks or features. Just the whole fact of imagining only positive views or constructive criticism gives so much high. Social media and the education sector are interlinked in the present generation. There are many platforms such as Chegg which are used to get the right way of solving an issue. Though such platforms are not advised, they can be used as a guiding space. Coursera is another platform which can be used to get a crash course on any selected course. It tests and gives assignments accordingly which gives us additional technical strength apart from the courses dealt with in school. 

Apart from all these, there are inter-institutional platforms such as Brightspace & Coursespace which not only help us view the instructions from the professor but also help us form groups and interact with each other in solving group assignments or anything related to the course. In addition to these, there are other networks such as YouTube which helps us view in-depth with any doubt related to any specific topic in the course. The whole society and the social media platform are in a vulnerable position, everyone in this sector needs to be respected and treated well. In order to ensure its safety and security, there need to be proper rules and boundaries drawn for each comment and severe penalties need to be imposed on people who try to invade others’ privacy on social media. There needs to be a group set up specifically for each social media platform to do policing for any abuses or complaints as such. 


Miller, J., & Baker, B. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker Edci 338. YouTube. Retrieved Jun 10, 2021, from


  1. aneka1

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week! I also included Youtube as a platform that was beneficial to our education. There are many great aspects of Youtube especially for students because of it’s convenient, there is a large amount of content, it can be watched anywhere at anytime and many people discuss in the comment sections. You also mentioned penalties for comments that aren’t deemed appropriate, do you think that certain words should be blocked from comment sections so they never get posted? or do you think that it’s not right to stop people from free speech and that they should be policed after its posted based on the context?

    • sree25

      It is definitely not right to stop people from free speech or commenting on what they want. And certainly, we cannot keep checking thousands of comments, as it is not possible. They should only be penalized by the context they post or write. And also certain words which are unrefined should also be blocked.

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